Hello World
Written Nov 6, 2022, tagged under post
Hello, world! This blog has been set up as an experiment. I find it very easy to put things off, especially if they feel large and intimidating. However, I have been keen to get a daily blogging practice going for a long time. The answer I've come up with is this blog: one post per day, written in no more than five minutes.
I'm not really wedded to the concept, but perhaps it will be enough to get the ball rolling? Who knows. But this is the first post, and I'm keeping it short enough to meet the intent of not letting the best be the enemy of the good.
Today's timing is a slight cheat, as it has included setting the blog itself up too, which probably took around 15 minutes (would have been more, but thank you Netlify and GitLab!). So if you want to read something more interesting, I'm afraid you're out of luck until tomorrow.