Busy (janathon day 6)
Written Jan 6, 2023, tagged under post
The view at my boot camp this morning was pretty special. It was a 6:30 start, so still very dark. However, there was a pretty clear sky, with a full moon hovering over the trees. Kind of like the header photo ... but not. A busy hour.
This week has been kettlebells. I decided to push the weight a bit, going for an 18Kg rather than a more normal 16. Who would have thought that 2Kg could make such a difference? I spent most of the time surfing on the edge of nausea, knowing that if I pushed a bit harder I might move over to the wrong side. All told, though, a good session. I'm feeling a bit stronger at the moment, and I wonder if my daily exercise (however small) is helping.
Then, after getting the house ready, I moved from one extreme to the other by spending the rest of the day sat at a desk, barely moving. After leaving work, the evening passed in a bit of a blur, after a gentle transition by virtue of having a massage that I was given as a birthday present. We had guests for dinner, and after the cleaning up suddenly it is very late!
Sleep now, then back for my third boot camp in the morning, if I can face it...
Janathon entry: an hour's kettlebell circuits (and a massage)
Photo by Alexis Antonio on Unsplash