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Paperwork (janathon day 21)

Written Jan 21, 2023, tagged under post

What do we hate? HMRC. Why do we hate them? Because they make us go through a hellish process every year, which is bad news for someone with a tendency to leave things to the last minute.

I'm not really blaming them - it seems quite reasonable for them to follow a process to be sure they can collect revenue to spend on important stuff like healthcare, services, ... oh, whoops. Okay, well we need a process ready for the time when a decent and compassionate government with a desire to look after everyone arrive on the scene. Let us hope that time is soon. Meanwhile, let us also hope I can get this paperwork tied up imminently as well.

At least I made it to the gym this morning. I had another go on the rowing machine there, and the perceived effort of the rowing machine with the controls set to normal was back to how I was expecting. Not sure what happened on Thursday, but hey. Anyway, I managed to row 2km in 7:47 (splits of 3:54 and 3:53), which I was very pleased with indeed. I did also push through another km after that, but the time wasn't so interesting as the fact I managed it at all...

Not a great day, overall, but I'm still alive and well so I'm not going to complain.

Janathon entry: 2km rowing (7:47) and some assorted weights in the gym