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At last

Written Jul 1, 2023, tagged under post

Well, that took a bit longer than I was expecting. But finally I've completed the first part of my website migration from Jekyll (the Ruby-based static site generator) to Eleventy (the JavaScript-based static site generator). The final piece was getting the initial build working on Netlify. It's late, but I've just got something going at last. Search isn't in place yet, but otherwise things are, at least, not noticeably worse than they were in Jekyll.

My motivation has been that I don't really need to know Ruby, but having more day-to-day JavaScript things going on is a win-win for me. This has also been a really useful learning curve for making progress with CSS and, more particularly, Bootstrap. So I'm pleased!

Astute readers might notice my domain name has changed. This is not complete yet, but hey let's see how it goes. But also, it's late. More to follow...