Written Jul 2, 2023, tagged under post,Habits,Change,Affirmations
During the process of moving this blog across to its new home, I ended up reading through quite a few posts I wrote years and even decades ago. Reading themes in my life back then really brought home to me how incredibly difficult it is to achieve actual, genuine, lasting change.
It certainly isn't impossible, and I put forward as witness the fact that, since early 2020, I have done a set of sit-ups basically every night. To not do them now would feel really weird, and my ability to do them has come on tremendously. So that's a win.
But this blog shows me that there are some real, persistent problems I need to get to grips with:
- I never get to bed on time
- My eating is a bit all over the place
This very morning I was considering the idea of trying affirmations - writing some specific sentences which I dwell on every morning, to set the day off well. This I shall do - it makes sense in my mind, that by focusing attention in particular directions, you tune your awareness in that direction and are more likely to pick up on opportunities, take better decisions etc.
Curiously, this evening I then went to a "Yoga Nidra and Sound Immersion" event my wife was running. Yoga Nidra seems to be a slightly similar concept, where you spend time in the "liminal space" between waking and sleeping. It is said that the mind is especially suggestible at this point, so if you have a sankalpa, or intention, that you use during the practice then again it helps focus the mind in the desired direction.
I haven't written my affirmations yet, but plan to shortly - unless it looks like it will make me get to bed too late...
Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash