Janathon day 4: pairs PT session
Written Jan 4, 2013, tagged under post,cat,janathon,running,spractice
As it turns out, all today's exercise for Janathon was complete by 8:30 this morning. I had been hoping to do a run this evening, but yesterday's circuits and subsequent very late night, followed by this morning's early PT session, did me in completely! (But at least I managed to get my "spractice" in too, and not too late for once.)
This morning was a blast, though. I paired up with Holger for a Personal Training session with our trainer Darrell, and we did an hour of tyre deadlifts, suspension system, boxing and so on. As part of the warm-up before we started, I also managed a mile's running on a treadmill so can at least clock up some mileage for the month!
The plus side for this lack of activity is that it leaves space for what I hope will be a decent run tomorrow: I'm planning to get down to what's known as the Pednor Loop near Chesham for an early 5-miler. I'm a bit nervous with all this chat about not increasing your mileage too quickly, so perhaps it's a good thing I didn't try to do more today! And perhaps, tomorrow, I will be able to get some pics on my phone?
In the absence of photos from today's activity, I thought I'd leave you with a photo of our cat, Louis, shortly after he'd been nibbling my running shoes...
So, today's stats: 1 mile running, 75 minutes of exercise