Janathon day 25: today's recipe
Written Jan 26, 2013, tagged under post,flute,janathon,orchestra
Ingredients: lots of work, a planned run for lunchtime, a concert tomorrow, a more scary concert in April, a TRX suspension system and a gin and tonic.

- Take the planned lunchtime run and put it aside for future use, after a particularly complicated day at work
- Following an evening of "kid taxi service", take flute down to shed and do some practice for the two upcoming concerts
- Notice the TRX system dangling from the ceiling, and do about 5 minutes of various pushes, pulls, planks, bicep, tricep exercises
- Return to house, rather late, and mix a pretty decently strong gin and tonic
- Drink gin and tonic while writing today's Janathon blog post
Time spent on Janathon today: 5 minutes (TRX) + 50 minutes("breathing exercise")