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Janathon day 22: Tabata (again)

Written Jan 25, 2014, tagged under post,Bulgarian bags,circuits,janathon,tabata,wild training

I'm glad that not every week is as busy as this one. I've managed the activities, just about, but getting them up on the blog has been a bit harder!

Wednesday is piano day for our two oldest kids, and we have devised a cunning "tag parenting" approach to deal with it. This involves one of us going to Wild Training from 6 to 7 (but leaving a few minutes early), then handing over the kids who go to piano, getting to their teacher's place just in time about 15 minutes later.

I did the session this evening; since I'm still not running, I did Tabata lunges and squats instead of that bit. The Bulgarian Bags also featured heavily in the session. Even though I had to leave a few minutes early, I still managed three sets of Bulgarian Bags and three of lunges/squats.

Usually, at piano, I get a run in as well. With my ankle still playing up, and so much work to do, though, I squashed in a quick hour of EPOS reconciliation in the pub round the corner instead. I also managed 40 press-ups later on at home.