Janathon '19 day 1: easy run
Written Jan 1, 2019, tagged under post,amersham,janathon,running
I wasn't sure whether I was going to be back here this year, but looks like I am! The last couple of months have been pretty active as I was training for a 10 mile run on Sunday. That went well-ish, and now I'm keen to keep up the momentum. I was going to go the Facebook post route, but these days I'm actually a bit anti-FB so felt going old-skool wasn't such a daft idea...
Anyway, today was just an easy couple of miles around Amersham Old Town (high street to cricket pitch and back, if you're familiar with the area). I'm going to try to up the mileage this time round, but will still be doing weights etc to boost strength and attempt to shed some of that yummy Christmas cake...