Janathon '19 day 8: yoga!
Written Jan 8, 2019, tagged under post,janathon,yoga
Today has mostly been a day of wincing when confronted by stairs. Yesterday's weights has definitely taken its toll!
Thankfully, I was down for yoga this evening. Mrs H has just started teaching at a new venue - the rather splendid dance studio at the Amersham School. So we lugged what felt like about a million mats etc to the school and waited to see what would happen.
Everything went fine, and so I had a very pleasant hour's yoga. This was about the only time today that my head hasn't been continually niggling me; this is one of the best things about yoga, perhaps even more important than the stretching and strength. Having said that, it also did help a lot with my stiff muscles!
Anyway, that is going to be it for today, so ... until tomorrow?