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Posts tagged "YogaByEllie"
Janathon '16 day 27: pairs PT and yoga (and ow) (Jan 27, 2016)
Janathon '16 day 26: delicious yoga (Jan 26, 2016)
Janathon '16 day 20: an answer to the cold (Jan 21, 2016)
Janathon '16 day 19: mixing it (Jan 20, 2016)
Janathon '16 day 13: lots of fun! (Jan 14, 2016)
Janathon '16 day 12: closer to plans (Jan 13, 2016)
Janathon '16 day 6: triple play (Jan 6, 2016)
Juneathon day 10: run and yoga, not necessarily in that order (Jun 10, 2015)
Juneathon day 3: yoga! (Jun 3, 2015)
A short and shameless plug for Mrs H's new YogaByEllie website! (Mar 11, 2015)
Janathon day 29: getting there (Jan 29, 2015)
Janathon day 27: clinging on! (Jan 28, 2015)
Janathon day 17: "recovery day" (Jan 17, 2015)
Janathon day 13: Amersham yogathlon! (Jan 13, 2015)
Janathon day 8: nice and simple - yoga! (Jan 8, 2015)
Janathon day 1: starting 2015 with a bracing group bike ride (Jan 1, 2015)
Juneathon day 18-27: life's rich tapestry (Jun 28, 2014)
Juneathon day 12: slipping in some yoga (Jun 13, 2014)