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Janathon '16 day 13: lots of fun!

Written Jan 14, 2016, tagged under post,health,janathon,running,weights,yoga,YogaByEllie

Work is very busy at the moment, so by lunchtime I was in urgent need of a little break. Down to Bodycoach gym in Rickmansworth I headed, slightly undecided as to what I was going to do. In the end I spent a bit of time on the upper body, did a warm-up on the treadmill and headed out for a quick run round the aquadrome. With time short, I thought, I would aim at short and sharp rather than long and ponderous. I ran 2.2 miles in the end, averaging a 9:14 pace, but with the last 0.2 miles more like 8.

Then, in the evening, I headed out for my second yoga class of the week with YogaByEllie. For some reason, the second one is always better. Perhaps it is because you have more idea of the way it is going to so you're more prepared, but it might also be purely physical, with deeper stretches possible. Either way, I loved it!

With all the rushing around generally, I managed the right side of 15,000 steps overall too, which wasn't too shabby. Not quite sure how a very busy Thursday will turn out, so let's find out!

