Juneathon day 12: circuits; low-carb improvement
Written Jun 12, 2013, tagged under post,amersham,circuits,exercise,foam rolling,health,juneathon,low carb,wild training
Wednesday evening: circuits! It was a bit soggy, but we had a thoroughly enjoyable hour of high-intensity interval training this evening with Wild Training in Amersham's lovely Hervines Park. The class started off alternating rounds of kettle bells and "rip training". Each round was classic TABATA, entailing 8 x 20-second repetitions of the exercise, with a 10-second gap between, and a minute or two between rounds. We did each station 3 times in total. Then we finished off with a TABATA round of burpees, just in case we still had a heartbeat. So - 7 rounds DONE!
My low-carb diet experiment seems to have made some useful progress today. Whereas I've been feeling a bit weak earlier this week, I felt pretty tremendous and relatively bursting with energy this evening! I'm watching how things progress with a great deal of interest, having been reading the fascinating book on the subject: The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living. So far so good!
Anyway, busy busy busy; a business trip early tomorrow, so sort things here and off to bed!
Juneathon effort: 1 hour of circuits (plus more foam rolling - it's definitely helping!)