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Posts tagged "exercise"
Janathon '20 day 7: two runs and yoga - a bit too much! (Jan 7, 2020)
Janathon '20 day 1: sneaky parkrun (Jan 1, 2020)
Janathon '16 day 31: game over! (Feb 1, 2016)
Janathon '16 day 24: rather over-the-top (Jan 25, 2016)
Janathon '16 day 5: metafit and yoga (Jan 5, 2016)
Juneathon day 11: just squashed in (Jun 12, 2015)
Juneathon day 8: keeping it simple (Jun 8, 2015)
Juneathon day 7: bike! (Jun 7, 2015)
Juneathon day 4: a bit extreme! (Jun 4, 2015)
Juneathon day 3: yoga! (Jun 3, 2015)
A short and shameless plug for Mrs H's new YogaByEllie website! (Mar 11, 2015)
Janathon day 22: short and sharp (Jan 23, 2015)
Janathon day 21: chilling in the park (Jan 22, 2015)
Janathon day 20: yoga! (Jan 20, 2015)
Janathon day 19: stepping it back up a bit (Jan 20, 2015)
Janathon day 17: "recovery day" (Jan 17, 2015)
Janathon day 14: busy day, and a run (Jan 15, 2015)
Janathon day 13: Amersham yogathlon! (Jan 13, 2015)
Janathon day 5: finally - some running! (Jan 5, 2015)
Janathon day 4: walk through the fog (Jan 5, 2015)
Janathon day 3: an entirely new concept (2)... (Jan 3, 2015)
Janathon day 2: open exercise sandwich! (Jan 2, 2015)
Juneathon day 13: pairs PT (Jun 15, 2014)
Juneathon day 9: change of scene (Jun 9, 2014)
Juneathon day 8: night outing (Jun 8, 2014)
Juneathon day 6: something about Fridays (Jun 6, 2014)
Juneathon day 4: the best-laid schemes... (Jun 4, 2014)
Juneathon day 3: when opportunity knocks (Jun 3, 2014)
Juneathon day 2: DOMS, meet DOMS (Jun 2, 2014)
Janathon day 29: lovely way to start the day (Jan 29, 2014)
Janathon day 23: Tabata (again, again) (Jan 25, 2014)
Janathon day 21: Wild Training, plus a bit (Jan 21, 2014)
Janathon day 8: marathon (not literally, though) (Jan 9, 2014)
Janathon day 3: exercise sandwich... (Jan 4, 2014)
Janathon day 2: beautiful weather! (Jan 2, 2014)
Everything you wanted to know about open water swimming (but were afraid to ask) (Jun 30, 2013)
Juneathon day 29: last of the hopeless days! (Jun 29, 2013)
Juneathon day 26: uppers (circuits) and downers (yoga) (Jun 26, 2013)
Juneathon day 25: lunchtime run round Rickmansworth Aquadrome (Jun 25, 2013)
Juneathon day 23: sneaky last-minute run (Jun 23, 2013)
Juneathon day 21: pairs PT - man cave session, hardest yet (Jun 21, 2013)
Juneathon day 19: circuits, and cockapoo preparation! (Jun 19, 2013)
Juneathon day 18: yoga and swimming (preparation for Stowe Sprint Triathlon) (Jun 18, 2013)
Juneathon day 17: Chalfonts run (Jun 17, 2013)
Juneathon day 15: Wild training circuits, plus a little run (Jun 15, 2013)
Juneathon day 14: pairs PT featuring running, weights (Jun 14, 2013)
Juneathon day 13: Dublin, sneak run - and keto-adaptation? (Jun 13, 2013)
Juneathon day 12: circuits; low-carb improvement (Jun 12, 2013)
Juneathon day 11: tri-envy (Jun 11, 2013)
Juneathon day 9: spectating at the Blenheim Triathlon (and a quick run) (Jun 9, 2013)
Juneathon day 8: an oasis in the desert (and a fun party) (Jun 8, 2013)
Juneathon day 7: weights, low carbs and foam rolling! Running again soon? (Jun 7, 2013)
Juneathon day 6: calf-friendly activity and low carb eating. Help! (Jun 6, 2013)
Janathon day 31: a disparate community, a lunchtime run and a personal record (Jan 31, 2013)
Janathon day 30: the best made plans... (Jan 31, 2013)
Janathon day 29: plenty of variation! (Jan 30, 2013)
Janathon day 22: short and sharp (Jan 23, 2013)
Janathon day 21: is circuits having an effect on running? (Jan 22, 2013)
Janathon day 20: fighting fishy demons (Jan 20, 2013)
Janathon day 18: pairs training and errand runs (Jan 19, 2013)
Janathon day 17: lunchtime run to Chorleywood, train back (Jan 17, 2013)
Janathon day 15: "core" blimey! (Jan 16, 2013)
Janathon day 14: circuits in the snow; playlists and Spotify (Jan 14, 2013)
Janathon day 12: question - music or not? (Jan 12, 2013)
Janathon day 10: easy run in Rickmansworth aquadrome (Jan 10, 2013)
Janathon day 7: recovery (Jan 7, 2013)