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Janathon day 19: stepping it back up a bit

Written Jan 20, 2015, tagged under post,amersham,circuits,exercise,health,janathon,running,walking,wild training

Active day

That's more like it! Today I managed:

  • An hour's Wild Training, using resistance bands for squatting, lunges, rowing and pressing, finishing with an awful abs workout with Russian twists etc. I doubled up on bands, too, so this was quite a challenging session, for sure
  • A run to/from that session (probably no more than 2 miles tops, but I wasn't tracking it with GPS so who's counting?)
  • A generally walk-heavy day anyway, hitting 7.5 miles including the run

Given that work and personal stuff isn't really letting up much at the moment, I'm pretty happy with this, all told! To give you an idea of how busy things are at home, I noticed that I'd hit 10 floors and nearly a mile by the time I opened the front door to go to work! I'm looking forward to work calming down just a touch, though, as these late nights are taking their toll...