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Juneathon day 18: yoga and swimming (preparation for Stowe Sprint Triathlon)

Written Jun 18, 2013, tagged under post,exercise,foam rolling,health,juneathon,stowe triathlon,swimming,triathlon,yoga

Today was the second time I had the chance to play guinea pig for Mrs H's yoga class homework. We had a very pleasant half-hour going through various poses and flows, and I ended up feeling distinctly relaxed. I'm really looking forward to when she becomes a fully qualified yoga teacher!

Straight after that, I shot round to the pool to get a quick swim in. I managed about 25 minutes, and 850m, before feeling so guilty at keeping them from closing that I had to get out. The pool was pretty quiet, to the extent that I had a lane to myself the whole time - special treat!

Did I mention that I've signed up for the sprint distance of the Stowe Triathlon? It's on 7th July, and is really helping focus my mind on what needs to be done in the next 3 weeks. I'm also painfully aware that I've only been on my bike about 3 times this year, so Juneathon is going to have to start featuring some cycling too, I hope..!

Juneathon totals: 30 minutes of yoga and 25 minutes of swimming (850m) - plus some foam rolling