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Posts tagged "triathlon"
Juneathon '18 day 3 - Blenheim Triathlon (Jun 3, 2018)
Juneathon '18 day 2 - tapering (Jun 3, 2018)
Juneathon '18 day 1 - walk and swim (Jun 1, 2018)
Janathon '16 day 31: game over! (Feb 1, 2016)
Juneathon day 14: Windsor triathlon (Jun 15, 2015)
Juneathon day 13: "tapering" (Jun 13, 2015)
Juneathon day 12: attacking the hill fort (Jun 12, 2015)
Juneathon day 10: run and yoga, not necessarily in that order (Jun 10, 2015)
Janathon day 12: evening outdoor exercise class (Jan 12, 2015)
Everything you wanted to know about open water swimming (but were afraid to ask) (Jun 30, 2013)
Juneathon day 18: yoga and swimming (preparation for Stowe Sprint Triathlon) (Jun 18, 2013)
Juneathon day 11: tri-envy (Jun 11, 2013)
Juneathon day 9: spectating at the Blenheim Triathlon (and a quick run) (Jun 9, 2013)
Pics from Blenheim Triathlon 2012: a timely reminder for entering 2013 (Dec 30, 2012)
Blenheim Triathlon, 2012 (Aug 10, 2012)
Olympic tickets: families of 5 need not apply! (Aug 7, 2012)