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Janathon day 28: saved by Wild Training

Written Jan 29, 2015, tagged under post,health,janathon,orchestra,wild training

My plans are rather falling apart here as we near the end of Janathon, so thank goodness that Wild Training was scheduled in! A freezing cold one, it was, but enjoyable (even if I couldn't feel my toes by the end).

Music and exercise are coming together: there are now two other members of my orchestra doing Wild Training with me, since today was the first session for the conductor, Richard! And what a great job he made of the workout: a pleasure to have there, just like Nicky the 'cellist who has been coming a few months already.

You can check the other recent post to see what we did, and I should also mention my 11,000 steps clocked up during the day...

Nearly there!