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Posts tagged "family"
Janathon '20 day 4: Ricky parkrun, and trip to Cliveden (Jan 4, 2020)
Janathon '16 day 30: road trip (Jan 31, 2016)
Janathon '16 day 24: rather over-the-top (Jan 25, 2016)
Janathon '16 day 9: run (and Strava fail) (Jan 9, 2016)
Juneathon day 11: just squashed in (Jun 12, 2015)
Juneathon day 5: "rest day"... (I wish) (Jun 6, 2015)
Janathon day 18: it took a computer to recognise my dilemma! (Jan 18, 2015)
Janathon day 17: "recovery day" (Jan 17, 2015)
Juneathon day 9: change of scene (Jun 9, 2014)
Juneathon day 8: night outing (Jun 8, 2014)
Juneathon day 5: you win some, you lose some (Jun 5, 2014)
Juneathon day 4: the best-laid schemes... (Jun 4, 2014)
Juneathon day 3: when opportunity knocks (Jun 3, 2014)
Juneathon day 8: an oasis in the desert (and a fun party) (Jun 8, 2013)
Come and see us: Two Flutes and a Flirt, Christmas Spectacular! (Dec 12, 2012)
Welcome to our new and rather furry family member (Oct 31, 2012)
Olympic tickets: families of 5 need not apply! (Aug 7, 2012)